
Golden EDI uses subprocessors to deliver our services. It is our obligation to have agreements regarding personal data with these subprocessors that is aligned with the agreement you sign with us. These are our current subprocessors:

Subprocessors for our main cloud service

Company Region were data is processed Description of usage
Microsoft Corporation (US) EU (Netherlands, Irland) Azure: Main processing system and storage for our customers
Amazon Web Services (US) EU (Irland) E-mails sent with SMTP from our cloud service
Crediflow AB SE Operator for e-invoices
Cellsynt AB EU Only used by customers that use our SMS function
Tickstar AB EU Only used by customers that use our Peppol AP
Elastic International BV EU (Netherlands) Free text search

Subprocessors for administrative system used by Golden EDI

Company Region were data is processed Description of usage
Microsoft Corporation (US) EU Office 365: E-mail, calendar, document sharing and team communication for employees at Golden EDI
Freshdesk US* Support system
Scrive EU System for electronic agreements
Future IT Partner SE Backup of administrative systems
Mailgun Technologies, Inc. EU (Germany, Belgium) Newsletter service
* We will change our support system to not send data outside EU, if you do not approve that our support system sends information outside EU you as customer can choose to call our support at phone number +46 (0)42 280 020 instead of sending an email to